Disney+ Hotstar, also known simply as Hotstar, is an Indian over-the-top streaming service owned by Novi Digital Entertainment, a subsidiary of Star India. It features two paid subscription tiers—the "VIP" tier, which focuses on domestic programmes and sports content (including Indian Premier League cricket), and a second "Premium" tier featuring premium international films and television series (including HBO, Showtime and other American original series). As of March 2020, Hotstar has at least 300 million active users.[2]

In February 2020, following the purchase of Star India's parent company 21st Century Fox by Disney in 2019, the company announced plans to integrate its new international streaming brand Disney+ with Hotstar in April 2020—leveraging Hotstar's existing infrastructure and userbase. On April 3, 2020, the platform was merged with Disney+.[3]

Hotstar has also introduced versions of the service targeting international markets, with a focus on Star original programming and domestic sports rights (such as the IPL), but without content from Disney+ or other American partners. These versions operate solely under the "Hotstar" brand.

Website : https://www.hotstar.com/in
