Telugu cinema also known as Tollywood is the segment of Indian cinema dedicated to the production of motion pictures in the Telugu language, widely spoken in the states of Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. Telugu cinema is based in Film Nagar, a neighborhood of Hyderabad, India.[3] Since 1909, filmmaker Raghupathi Venkaiah was involved in producing short films and travelling to different regions in Asia to promote film work. In 1921, he produced the silent film, Bhishma Pratigna.[4] He is cited as the father of Telugu cinema.[5][6][7]

In 1933, East India Film Company has produced its first Indian film, Savitri in Telugu. The film was based on a popular stage play by Mylavaram Bala Bharathi Samajam, directed by father of the "Telugu theatre Movement" Chittajallu Pullaiah and cast stage actors Vemuri Gaggaiah and Dasari Ramathilakam as "Yama" and "Savithri" respectively.[8] The film was shot with a budget of estimated ₹1 million (US$14,000) in Calcutta.[9] It received an honorary diploma at the 2nd Venice International Film Festival.
